Geological Survey of Finland logo

Geological Survey of Finland

GTK is the national geological survey of Finland with over 400 employees and long experience in mine closure issues. GTK has produced the Mine Closure Handbook of 2005 and the Mine Closure Wiki in 2015 and has done several technical reviews of mine closure plans for the authorities. GTK has been involved in several projects that address the social and economic impacts of mining projects. In addition to the mine closure expertise, GTK has a solid track record of geological data management, resulting in Finland repeatedly appearing on top of the Fraser Institute survey on this category.

Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières logo

Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières

BRGM is the national geological survey of France with over 1000 employees. Since 2006, BRGM has been responsible for monitoring and action to prevent risks and pollution arising from mine closures. BRGM also has state delegated responsibility for all mine safety engineering work. Both the technical aspects and the administrative processes of mine closure are thus well known to BRGM. Similar to GTK, BRGM is renowned for its geological databases (including a post-mining information system) and spatial data expertise as well as the ability to manage large international projects.

Hannukainen mining logo

Hannukainen Mining Oy

Hannukainen Mining Oy is a Finnish mining company in the process of opening a mine for the Hannukainen deposit in Kolari, Finland. They have just completed their first Mine Closure Plan and have great insights into how the closure process and the updating of the plan could be made easier. Similar to M-Solutions and DMT, they also have insights into how the system should be designed to fit the operation of a mining project. The mining company is owned by the over 60 years old Tapojärvi Oy which has extensive experience as a contractor at other mines.

M-Solutions logo


M-Solutions is a Finnish ICT, service, research, and development company for the mining industry. It specializes in making processes and especially data management more efficient at mines. Integration and de-siloing of data from various sources also is M-Solutions’ priority and mine closure typically is a process that utilizes data from several different sources. M-Solutions not only brings their software development capabilities to the project but also their unique in-sight in the data management within mining operations from decades of ICT and mining experience.

Deutsche Montan Technologie logo


DMT is a global corporate group of 13 engineering and consulting firms with several offices around the world and roots extending to AD 1737. The head office is in Essen, Germany. DMT provides interdisciplinary services for mining, oil & gas, civil engineering & infrastructure, and plant engineering. The DMT services cover the whole life cycle of mining projects, just like mine closure does. Due to its intimate connections and long tradition with the mining industry, DMT is in a unique position to lead the Integration WP of the project, tapping on the insights of Hannukainen Mining Ltd and M-Solutions/Pyhäsalmi Mine.