Closurematic for Authorities

Authorities worldwide are facing the challenge of defining, reviewing and approving closure management plans for mining operations under their regulatory supervision. A digital management tool like Closurematic will facilitate this complex management challenge for the benefit of mine site near populations. If you are representing an authority and are interested to be at the forefront of digital mine closure management there are only three things to do:

  1. Request a personal software demonstration with one of our experts
  2. Set customization requirements relevant to your region
  3. Define IT and installation requirements

Closurematic can be provided as a service or installed at your premises on windows servers.

Interested? Then start with Step 1.

Please contact:

Mine closure steps

Additional Services for Authorities

Closurematic tool can be customized for any regulatory environment and is based on the deeply rooted experience of GTK, BRGM, DMT and M-Solutions in the mining industry. If you are facing specific challenges at your institution or mine site under your regulatory supervision, you can be sure to find a competent partner.

All partners can assist with sourcing financial resources for project implementation. Where there is a will there is a way!